When you are setting up your specialist practice you may realise that the expense in both time and money for a practice management staff when copmpared to the size of the practice is expensive. Considering a small specialist practice’s needs, a virtual practice management service (VPMS) may well be the way to go.
A virtual practice manager you ask? Why? Well…
A virtual practice management service is cost effective. In our experience costs have been reduced by up to 50% of a physical practice.
VPMS are always looking for the next best thing to make administration more efficient. The idea behind VPMS is that it is efficient for you, for them, for your staff.
Don’t want to have to recruit, employ and train administration staff? The VPMS service does all this for you.
Cloud Based
all management data will be stored on the cloud. If you need information or assistance in another City, State or Country it is literally at your fingertips. Not 5000km away in a filing cabinet or onsite practice server. Data is still secure, just accessible.
A VPMS will not what works and what doesn’t. They’ve years of experience and have all the tips and tricks. They can guide you in administrating your practice and also train your staff to do things in the way you want them done. You don’t have to face the wall of resistance or lack of knowledge. They also have numerous contacts such as specialists in IT, Consulting, Business and Government institutions (think Medicare) at their fingertips. They know the jargon, know the methods, can get information and get it fast.
Tailored Solutions
Perhaps you don’t need full time reception staff. Overhead costs of employing a staff members for short periods is onerous. Especially when compared to the actual on the ground requirement. A good VPM can work with you and provide tailored solutions for your business. This includes offering ‘meet-and-greet’ services with staff who can be the face at the front door or inhouse patient invoice processing on the day. You can share costs with other practitioners with whom you share rooms. The options really are up to what will work best for you.
Strategic Planning
Everyone has different priorities. A VPMS can work with you to identify your priorities and put in place a strategy to improve your practice.
Practice Management is a large task and many doctors who set up a practice don’t realise how big until they are there in the trenches. A Virtual Practice Management Service can let you do the job you do best – being a doctor!